EM Review
Another zombie-movie has been released, and is scoring high at the box-office, holding the #5 spot at the top 50. But is it really all it's hyped up to be? We take a closer look at SPLANKGY's newest horror-flick.
First things first. The graphics are better this time, and the typos are gone (almost). It's still no long movie, just like the previous ones, but it's definately worth the wait. The storyline this time is....well...too short to spoil. Just go watch it. And in the meantime, I'll brag about the graphics.
Because it's pretty. It's oh so darn pretty. I'm guessing you used a drawing tablet, but hey, if you didn't, then you are one skilled mouse drawer, or just really patient. I mean, the detail used in some of the models is pretty amazing, and I know you were worried that no one would notice all the time you put inhto the details, but belive me, even if they don't notice EVERYTHING, then they WILL notice that you put a lot of time into it. I didn't even have to start the movie to know that it would look drop dead zombie incredible (can't spell gorgeous..or can I?) The mainscreen/intro was looking sweeet. I do belive we share the same taste in drawings. A bit of fucked up drawings. Wich is good.
While we are bragging, I'd like to compliment the spooky setting you throw us into. It's easy to get a little spooked when you see the first zombie hopping out (They also look incredible, mind). When the first one gets blown away, there is a great deal og details shown in his face, or atleast it looks like it is, but it's moving fast fast fast, so I couldn't see all clearly.
Anyway, as long as it looks good to me I'm happy.
And it did.
So I'm happy.
But alas (I swear I'm not a lotr fan) not everything is perfection. This movie, although good, is way...way too short. And there is fairly little animation too, so I'm guessing most of the time is spent drawing. But really, when I suddenly realised that...thats all...I became a little frustrated. I was getting relaxed, started to really enjoy the movie, and the chair was warming up nicely..when it stopped! I mean the nerve! All respect for your drawing skills, but you need to make it longer.
But ok, let's forget it's short. Hm...wait...there is another thing bothering me. No voice acting! I can see your problem if you have absolutely no one to help you, bue still, it would have been nice.
Sound and music could have been better too, although the retro horror-souns are good.
Overall, this is a good, but not great movie, and should definately be on the top 50. Not above Bitey of Brackenwood, but just below. The length would be more appropriate for a preview than a movie, but it's absolutely worth a look. Keep'em coming dude, but not THAT fast.
I'm gonna work hard to beat you with my first non-stick, hellsing inspired movie :) See you on the battlefield, soldier.